A better world for women which is a better world for all
At Avon, we believe in a better word for all women, which is a better world for all.
But belief is nothing without action when 1 in 3 women experience violence or abuse in
their lifetime and 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer. Our global network helps people
everywhere OVERCOME the challenges they face and BECOME the best they can be
by tackling two of the biggest threats to women’s lives: breast cancer and gender-based violence.
For three decades, we’ve been fighting to beat breast cancer and for the last 15 years we’ve
been working to help end gender-based violence with our network of expert partners in 40+ countries.
But there’s still more to be done. That’s why we’re not just waiting for change to happen, we’re creating it.

A global stand against animal testing
“Our goal is to deliver products to meet our customers’ needs
without compromising our commitment to animal welfare, our
high product safety standards or our adherence to regulatory requirements.
By investing in how we develop innovation for China and in some cases
changing distribution channels, we have been able to deliver this landmark change.
Globally, none of Avon’s products will be tested on animals.

Animal Welfare
We do not conduct animal testing to substantiate the safety of our products or
our ingredients. Avon supports the development of alternatives to animal
testing in partnership with organizations like FRAME.

iThemba Walkathon
iThemba Walkathon is an Avon Justine breast cancer walk, the largest breast
cancer walk in the Avon world. Aimed at generating massive awareness of breast cancer
in South Africa, we hope to reach all South African women with key educational material that will
encourage them to go for regular breast screenings and potentially save countless lives.

Breast Cancer Promise
Avon have lead the fight against breast cancer since 1992.
Over the years, Avon and the Avon Foundation for Women
have donated more than $951 million USD to breast cancer causes
and educated 180 million about the disease.